Tempa Flow Installation on the Viper
Ok, you don't even need to remove the air-box to put it on. The hose fits perfectly in the stock air box vent line inlet hole. Just remove the rubber fitting that the stock vent lines plug into and run the hose through it and once the vent line fitting is pushed in the hose, it fits nice and snug in the hole. then just loop the hose up through the shelves in the air box
Now with the air box lid on you can mount the body (wire ties work good) and run the hose. Keep in mind the hose going to the fitting on the Mag side carb needs to be at least 30" long. It worked good just to run it along the inside of the air box. then drill a snug fitting hole in the back where you run the hose out of the air box and then run the hose right along with the throttle and choke cables.
Just a close up view of the routing and mounting. Put the filter on and double check every thing and your done.
Finished installation. If you didnt
know it was there you would never find it
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