
Real Name:
Sled: 97 XTC 500

Tug Hill area, Upstate, NY, USA

Vmaxjohn Inspired Clutching, Blue
C+A Pro Ski's, Boyesen Power Reeds, Tempaflow, 98 SRX Seat Cover, 2" Bar,
Power Madd Bar Riser, Black Yamaha Skid Plate, Fett Brothers Perf. Surefoot
Sled was bought new in Nov. 1999
as a leftover. 4500 trouble free miles so far. It been a great sled for me.
Love the lightness of it . Its the best balanced sled for jumping I've ever
owned and there's been 31 years of them!
We at
Totallyamaha thanks Vince for sending us information on his sled and hope he will
keep checking back with us for more excellent info and more features.