Nickname: Boone
From: Northern Michigan
Sled: 97 xtc 600
Modifications: SLP skies, 120 studs, reverse the washers on the rods and tighten up the front straps, soften the ride. "What a nice sled".
Comments: :"The skies turn great but dart very badly. I had the drive shaft bearing go out and after getting the oil pump under control I have had over 13000 miles of trouble free running on my 600XTC. I also just replaced the hyfax last week. Finally, I ordered a MM 700 under the snow check a and should get it near the end of Sept. " says Boone." Good clutching, good engine performance, excellent handling, excellent ride, and 15 MPG"
Totallyamaha thanks Boone for his great comments and interest in our website and we hope he keeps stopping back for more great stuff from Totallyamaha.