YAMAHA SRX 1998-2000 crank info.

 1998 SRX 600/700. All cranks were defective. No exceptions. A "crank program" was initiated, and by now about 99% of the cranks of the 98 600's and 700's are trued and welded. If you are going to buy one of these models, ask anyway if the crank is done or not.

1999 SRX 600/700 Some studded 700's had crank problems. Haven't heard of any studded 600's having this problem. Anyway, if you don't stud the 99 srx's the crank will probably hold up. From what we have heard there are no crank failures among 99 models overseas. But then, they aren't studded either. Some of them have in excess of 3000 miles on them. If you buy a '99 SRX, and demand absolute reliability, or you want to stud the sled, be sure to weld the 3 wrist pins on the crank. The lock-tite might not hold forever. 

2000 SRX 700 -   No crank failures. The crank is revised from what we have been told.

Things to watch for to see if you have a bad cranks: vibration in the handle bars, out of round when clutch is moving, loss of power and top speed.